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1- week countdown!

This past week in ISM, I began finalizing the articles and information that I wanted to input into my original work consisting of a pamphlet and website. After doing so, I began sketching out a paper version of what my pamphlet and website would look like, as I wanted to ensure that I did not mess up any detail on the digital version. After finalizing the style, color, and spacing of how I will project my information to my audience, I began developing the digital version of the pamphlet first.

By creating this pamphlet and website, I decided that I needed to establish a brand for who I am as an Independent student. In doing so, I created a logo and design name representing that this original work is mine. Mahek Patel Designs is what will be labeled on the pamphlet and website to ensure my original work is dated.

As this week plays out, I aim to finish all my Original Work assessments and the final result itself on time to be showcased to everyone. With this in mind, I also aim to finalize interview dates and potentially gain new professionals in the process to conduct interviews with for me to choose a mentor and gradually progress with independent study and mentorship.


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