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Making progress

This previous in the independent study and mentorship program, I was able to further the depths of my final product development with my mentor. Through a scheduled in person meeting I was able to provide my mentor with a starter plan of my market audience and why I aim to have different audiences with different benefits. As having a market audience, all audiences need to equally be benefited thus creating an additional plan out of what they need.

Similarly, I started developing my event proposal/description which would be incorporated into the booklet. Not only do I want my final product to reflect my research but also from a student perspective how client engagement and satisfaction can be tackle through such scopes involved.

As this week progresses I aim to finish such task at hand and get started on developing my budget drafts from the event. I will need to conduct additional research would need to be conducted I aim to reach out to my mentor regarding how budgeting works on a corporate level and how certain factors are included on a student basis. Also I aim to connect with students in gain their perceptions and outlook on what they would like to gain from an event like this.


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