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Almost Done

This past week in the independent study and mentorship program, I began finalizing all result of my final product and began coming down to the finalized result. While developing my final product in its final form of the booklet I saw some hardships as two of the programs I was originally using to construct the booklet were not adequately formatting properly in terms of the formal booklet alignment. Despite this, I transfer everything to a booklet alignment on Canva which allowed me to play around with the formats and designs which were needed.

Additionally, I had one last final product mentor visit before the deadline of the final product. Through this final mentor visit I was able to get last minute critics on the final outcome and things I would need to revised. With this, I was able to talk more about how I will actually plan out my final product key idea on the futuristic of a student led initiative. Along with this I was able to gain more insights on how I can in the coming weeks began contacting businesses and universities regarding the scope of my final product.

As the week progresses, I hope to continue developing my final presentation and developing my activity for the final presentation night.


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