The previous week in ISM, I got a chance to have my first mentor visit with my mentor. I was able to explore the depths of my original work as well start planning out how I will conduct my final product and to what extent. During this mentor visit, my mentor and I set guidelines that we would follow as well as talked more about the research I have done and what more will I be doing.
Additionally, during this mentor visit I was able to learn more about my mentors job in terms of what she does as well as gain more insights on how this mentorship will progress. One of the major implications my mentor and I discussed was how I will be developing my final product. With this, we decided on that a booklet would be an effective way to showcased what I learned and how I aim to conduct such event.
As the new week progresses I hope to delve deeper into my final product plan as well as gain a starting basis to developing my market audience outlook. In addition, I aim to create a final planout of what needs to be included and what does not need to be included.