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Gaining More Experience & Knowledge

Did you know the key to a successful Project is having an effective communication process and team? This previous week in ISM, I worked on two specific things: research assessment 5 on my topic of study and practicing interviewing with my peers for our upcoming professional symposium.

Through my research assessment, I explored the factors that go into a successful project. Typically, these past few weeks my research assessments consisted more of the effects project management has faced and why client engagement is needed. But, I wanted to learn more about the different factors that make up a project and how these factors can change depending on the variables presented. From my research, I was able to learn that many companies discovered that the variables inputted into the project proposed to them are subject to change based on client perception and what is initially needed for the project. To establish a successful completion of a project, project managers must reflect on their planning period to see if their outcomes reflect what they wanted to impose and if they were changed why were they changed.

Additionally, this past week I practiced interviewing with my peers, this allowed us to gain more experience and comfort with what we should expect from professional interviewers on Thursday, October 5, 2023, during our professional symposium. By doing this I was able to find out from my peers who interviewed me on what I should work more on and what I did well. From their critics, I aim to incorporate these in my mock interviews with professionals. As this week is a short school week I hope to take more time to think more on what specifically are my goals in studying project management and how can I incorporate them in my future research analysis.


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