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Starting Something New

Updated: Nov 16, 2023

This previous week in ISM, I began conducting research on the specific variables I wanted to implement into my Original Work. I wanted to first find articles regarding the topics I was aiming to disclose in my 2 part original work, then analyze the specific findings. Instead of analyzing articles as I go, I wanted to first find all the sources I will be using then analyze as it gives me a more better way to connect strategies between each article.

Subsequently, I started a different approach in finding professionals within my topic of study. I started to research product consultants, as many project consultants work more with clients. Through shifting from researching project managers to project consultant, I was able to learn more about different companies as well as gain more insight on event project managers (or consultants). As event development was something I had began taking a interest in, I was ecstatic to find event project consultants who work closely with client perception and a regular project basis.

As the new week progresses and as I head into my thanksgiving break, I hope to be able to show progress on my original works stages of development. As I head into a week long break, I aim to use this as an opportunity to connect with more professionals and conduct interviews.


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